You can give a year of college or the full four years! It's up to you. When I bought my son's college plan, I was selling my house for a profit so I had a large amount of money to spend, but you don't have to go crazy. You can start with a one year plan.
1-Year Florida University Plan:
Now there is a more affordable way to save for State University credit hours. The 1-Year
Florida University Plan is our newest offering
~ Starting at under $50 a month
~ You can purchase one year, or 30 credit hours, at a time according to your budget and
timeline, without feeling the pressure of having to buy all four years at once
~ The plan also allows multiple purchasers to buy a plan for the same child. So now you can
team up with other family members to help pay for your child’s higher education
~ Great for gifting!!
Think about that... grandparents can buy a year, you can buy and year and then maybe next year add more.
At a time when so much in the world is uncertain, saving for college through Florida Prepaid College Plans is guaranteed and secure. It is certain- a way to ensure a child's financial security. Florida Prepaid aims to reassure families this holiday season as they make purchases this season!
Please sign up using promo code Mindy1718 to get a discount at ENROLL HERE
What is the most treasured gift you have been given for the holidays? Comment below!