The first thing I did when I received the product was read the label. I was happy to hear that I was supposed to start out slowly and take one capsule in the morning and one at lunch 30 min. before my meal. The first day, I didn't eat for about an hour after I took it, and I was a little worried that I was not going to like this. Luckily once I ate, I felt fine. I realized that I had better stick to following directions.
I definitely feel that it suppressed my appetite. I don't feel like eating between meals, and I have even had to make myself have a piece of fruit or cottage cheese for a snack. This is HUGE for me. Snacking a is big weakness.
I haven't found a huge increase in my heart rate just doing my day to day things, which is good, and I have had a lot of energy to get things done. I have a ton of things to do right now because I am in the process of moving and starting a new career. It is helping me get my butt moving!
It's also pushed me to go for walks with my family and our dog. It's so easy to get out of the habit of exercise. I am cleared for walking, so I need to get into the habit of doing that a lot now!
I am not always a big supporter of trying supplements to lose weight, but I really like what this owner stands for.
"I am committed to discovering the truth about which dietary supplements work and which ones don’t. AML will donate a percentage of its company profits to university studies at prestigious institutions to further the science of performance nutrition and wellness. AML’s partnership with the scientific community will show our corporate commitment and provide the consumer with credible, new information on safe, legal, scientifically designed performance products. - See more at: http://www.advancedmolecularlabs.com/about-us/"
There are a number of studies available for you as well. http://www.advancedmolecularlabs.com/clinical-studies/
The product information has information about the efficacy of Thermo Heat.
I highly recommend trying this product! I think you will enjoy it.
Question: Do you take any supplements? What do you take?