OMG! This is my 100th Post! Yay!
It's been a CRAZY week!
Poor little man had to travel to the doctor
with a puke bucket :( |
Well, it's been a crazy and not so fun week. My best buddy, Bryce got home late Sunday from a trip with his dad for spring break. He came home with the sniffles, and I knew things would get worse. I had no idea that he would get a stomach bug on top of it! Yikes! So I was home for 4 days with a sick little man. I hated seeing him so sick. Hurts my heart!
So I would have loved to post this on Tuesday, but life kept me away!
Water... To live healthy, we MUST drink it, RIGHT???
Yes, of course! That is the first thing people tell us when we start a healthy lifestyle. Drink your water, and when you have done that, drink some more water... Well, I do that! And since I started working out, I have been searching for something that tastes good and will give me fuel and health benefits. I love drinking water, but sometimes I need something with something with taste. So why not add something that is good for your heart too!
Omega Infusion Water... Hmm... Interesting...
When I heard about
Omega Infusion Water, a line of water that is not enhanced with sugar, but instead nutrients.... 80 mg of Omega-3s, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C, I was excited but still unsure...
This is from their website. |
Ok, so that means it's water with energy (Vitamin B) and antioxidants (vitamin C)... Wow... But Omega-3s... hmmm... What I didn't understand was what did it mean that it was Omega-infused. I found out that Omega-3 fatty acids are fats commonly found in marine and plant oils. Dr. Volker Berl, Chief Technology Officer of Oceans Omega says on their website, "Delivering heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids in enhanced water is something we've been developing for years." This piqued my interest. Recent studies have shown several potential benefits of Omega-3 including:
*Improvement in cognitive function in both children and adults
*Help with depression
*Reduced stress and mental fatigue
*Reduced macular degeneration
*Possible anti-cancer benefits
*Potential to counter inflammation
*Higher level of satiety and appetite reduction
I found out that one bottle of Omega Infusion water delivers 80 mg of essential omega-3s (EPA/DHA), 200% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 80 % of four B vitamins. I love the idea of healthy hydration, and even more, I love that it is zero calories. Most of all, I love the price. It can be found for $1.99 a bottle.
Please connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: I was compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own.
Happy Band Winner:
Keri Wilston
Bracelet Giveaway!
My very good friend, Michelle is launching her new business. She sells beautiful jewelry. For those of you who have been following my facebook page,
Mindy's Fitness Journey, you know that she has the most beautiful pieces. Well, she has given me the opportunity to give one away to a lucky follower of mine! Yay!
You can find more of Michelle's jewelry on her website:
Enter to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway