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Ain't this the truth! |
One of my blogging friends, Running Hutch posted this yesterday and I decided I would use it as a template to talk about my year!
Year End Reflections:
It all began with a Pink Polar and a dream!
10 Highlights:
1. Asking my mom for help with my son so I could start working out!
2. Meeting amazing friends at my gym Fit For Fashion
3. Running my very first race (aside from the Climb up I did) with my new workout buddies. The Bolt Run! That evening we all went to a hockey game.
4. Running a 10K in NYC when I was there for work. I decided that I must really be a runner if I am choosing this while I am in the most fabulous place I have ever been. And I did it alone on the 4th of July.
5.Getting an email from Fitfluential in July telling me that I had been chosen to be a Fitfluential Ambassador. I had no idea how amazing this experience would be. It pushed me to applying to be an ambassador with Fit Approach, GirlsGoneSporty, The Women's Half Marathon, and MomPowerTeam. What an amazing group of people!
6. Getting an email from Polar Heart Rate Monitors asking me if they could use my cover photo for a tshirt idea. WHAT!!! Why of course!!! From that, I met Chris from Polar who contacted me asking me to be a Polar Ambassador. Being a Polar Ambassador means so much to me because this is a product that I truly love!
7. I ran 15 races this year. Some were mud races, one was in a tropical storm, and some were on the beach. I have never run a race in my life til April of this year.
8. I ran a half marathon and did Tough Mudder within 2 weeks of each other
9. Running The Color Run with my son
10. I met all of you! Whether it be my facebook page, my blog, my twitter, my instagram, my pinterest, my tumblr, or my google +, this social media thing has changed my life for the better. I love the twitter parties, vlogs, instagram challenges and everything. Mostly, I love learning from you all. I am just a single mom on a journey. Definitely not an expert!

Failures: (these will be short and to the point)
1. Didn't lose the weight I want yet
2. Achilles tendonitis messing up my training
3. Not loving the half marathon like I thought I would
4. Being slower than my running buddies and having to run alone
5. Did I say not losing the weight I wanted to lose? It counts twice.
6. Still waiting for Mr. Right
7. My plumbing backing up and ruining my carpet... still haven't replace it yet...
8. Not having the money I wish I had to do more with fitness
9. Not conquering all my fears in the Tough Mudder
10. Excuses I made to skip workouts
Game Changers:
1. Fitfluential, Fit Approach, GirlsGoneSporty and the Mom Power Team and the opportunities I have been given by being involved with these groups.
2. Polar: Being a member of the Polar Racing Team.
3. My facebook page and blog
Things focused on:
1. my health and fitness
2. my blog and facebook page
3. being the mom that my son would be proud of
Things I forgot
1. Learning to cook healthy meals
2. Maintaining my social life. I got really involved with my son and my journey that I lost the desire to go out and have fun as often as I should have
3. I forgot to be angry! I let it go and that is a great thing!